Health and Safety in the Workplace

Health and Safety in the Workplace

Complete online at your own pace (Self-paced)

  • $49.99 excl. GST


Workplace accidents are more common than you might think. In 2018, the Association of Worker's Compensation Boards of Canada recorded 265,000 accepted claims for work-related injury or disease and 1,027 workplace fatalities, up by 5.5% and 7.4% from the previous year, respectively. While these alone are quite significant numbers, keep in mind that they exclude unreported or rejected cases, meaning the total number of incidents is likely much higher.

Employees and employers alike suffer from inadequate safety measures in the workplace, just as they both benefit from adopting and enforcing effective health and safety procedures. Indeed, performing ones duties in a safe environment creates a sense of value and respect among among workers, increasing productivity and commitment.

This course has been developed to provide learners with an introduction to workplace health and safety in Canada. Participants will learn about basic health and safety practices, policies, and procedures designed to help create a safer working environment for everyone. The content of this course is based on the provincial Occupation Health and Safety (OHS) Acts of Canada, and meets the required basic safety awareness training criteria for all provinces. 


Course Topics

This course will cover the following topics:

  • The roles and responsibilities of workers, employers, health and safety committees, and the government
  • Basic workplace investigation procedures
  • Common workplace hazards
  • Common prevention programs and procedures
  • The rights of workers, including:
    • The right to know
    • The right to participate
    • The right to refuse unsafe work


Pass Mark

A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to pass this Health and Safety in the Workplace online course. Participants will be able to repeat the course a maximum of three times if the pass mark is not achieved.


Certificate Of Completion

A printable, downloadable certificate of completion will be made available to participants upon successful completion of this course.


Watch the course preview here!


There are no prerequisites for this course.