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In this course, we will examine what it takes to be Fit For Duty, as well as what an organization can do to help employees remain fit. Supervisors will gain the necessary knowledge to recognize the symptoms of an employee who is becoming unfit for their tasks, as well as learn the proper procedures to follow. Employees will also learn how to stay Fit For Duty, and what aids they can take advantage of to minimize risks and maximize their quality of life in the workplace.
This course will be presented in four chapters:
- Chapter 1: What it Means to be “Fit For Duty”
- Chapter 2: Employer and Employee Responsibilities
- Chapter 3: Procedures and Best Practices
- Chapter 4: Return to Work
Course Topics
In our Fit For Duty Training course, we will go through the core tenets of the being "Fit For Duty," as well as the responsibilities and policies pertaining to everyone involved in the process. By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Understand the core tenets of being fit for duty
- Recognize how an employee, or yourself, can be unfit for duty
- List the common impairments that can lead to dangerous workplace situations
- Instill the procedures you can take as a manager or supervisor to ensure your employees
remain fit for duty - Interpret the indications of an unfit employee, and how to get them back on track
- Learn what procedures you can adopt to ensure fitness in your workforce, and
- Establish the framework for a back-to-work program
Pass Mark
The passing mark for this course is 80%.
Certificate Of Completion
There will be a certificate available to download and print upon completion of this course.
Watch the course preview here!
There are no prerequisites for this course.